TUNI Moodle emergency service break Fri 29 September 18:00


29.9.2023 18:00 - 30.9.2023 08:00


To fix the Moodle problems, service provider will make changes to Moodle server environment. Because of this, TUNI Moodle will shut down on today Friday 29.9.2023 at 18:00. Moodle will be again available on Saturday morning at 08:00 (estimate).

Please note that Moodle can’t be used during that time.

Teachers: Please avoid modifications to your Moodle courses before the service break. If assignment due date is today, please give students extra time after the service break.

Students: If you can, please postpone your submissions until service break is over. Moodle content and assignments are not available during the Moodle service break.


Common Services

