TUT VPN services will end August 20


18.8.2020 10:00 - 20.8.2020 17:00


The use of old TUT VPN services will end on 20.8. at 5 pm. The change applies to staff-ras.vpn.tut.fi, student-ras.vpn.tut.fi and public.vpn.tut.fi services, which will be replaced by the eduvpn.tuni.fi service for both staff and students. After this time, users can no longer login or use these services.


The use of old TUT VPN services will end on 20.8. at 5 pm. The change applies to staff-ras.vpn.tut.fi, student-ras.vpn.tut.fi and public.vpn.tut.fi services, which will be replaced by the eduvpn.tuni.fi service for both staff and students. After this time, users can no longer login or use these services.

The new alternative is Tuni eduVPN for staff and students alike. You can read info and instructions about how to start using the new service from here: https://intra.tuni.fi/en/handbook/2677/2742/3227.


Hervanta Campus


Common Services

